
Ngorivo is a fictional Indian Reservation nestled between Southern California's desert and valleys. It's composed of a mixture of local tribes and continues to endure the after effects of colonization. Ngorivo follows a group of young adults in 2017 reconnecting with each other and their culture after a few years trying to make a living in the urban world and ending up right back where they all started. Yet when they return, something is eerily amiss and things appear out of character...

An untitled side story set 2 years later follows Riet Lucero, a marijuana dealer and sex worker with a broken childhood, and his three friends navigating past mistakes and misgivings in the outskirts of Palm Springs, California.


Earthsinger is a collection of tales set in a fictional world and spanning 3 distinct eras. I currently focus on the latest Era, taking place 3000 years after a world apocalypse causing the sea level to rise, environmental disasters running amok, humans to go virtually extinct, and the very earth to change formation. During that time, many human-like races arose from the ashes of their human ancestors and begin to rediscover the world anew along with its many secrets.

I have two projects under the Earthsinger name: Sweetsong, a story modeled in a JRPG format centered around a Tukwami couple, Tuula Wavish and Yarrow Aveleka, whose lives change upon seeing a fabled human for the first time, and a Dungeon Crawler RPG called Earthsinger Odyssey that I am currently developing where you take on the role of a clan of adventurers to explore the mysterious labyrinths built around the mysterious Singing Stones that were recently discovered.